Self-Confidence and Its Relationship to the Achievement of Motivation Among Gifted and Non-Gifted Students in The Hail Region


  • محمد مفضي الدرابكة| Mohammad Mofadi Aldarabkeh جامعة حائل



Self-Confidence, Achievement Motivation, Gifted Students, Non-Gifted Students.


The aim of the current study was to investigate the level of self-confidence and its relationship to the achievement of motivation in a sample of gifted and non-gifted students in Ha’il Region. The study sample consists of 80 students selected through a purposive method with equal numbers of gifted students and non-gifted students comprising 40 students. The study used a self-confidence scale and an achievement motivation scale for collecting the data.

The results indicate that there were statistically significant differences in the self-confidence level between gifted and non-gifted students in favor of gifted students. There were also differences in the level of the achievement of motivation and its dimensions in favor of gifted students. While there was a positive correlation between self-confidence and the achievement of motivation for gifted students, and no correlation was found between self-confidence and the achievement of motivation among non-gifted students. Based on the results, the study provides useful suggestions for future research.

Author Biography

محمد مفضي الدرابكة| Mohammad Mofadi Aldarabkeh, جامعة حائل

استاذ مشارك


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How to Cite

Mohammad Mofadi Aldarabkeh م. م. ا. (2021). Self-Confidence and Its Relationship to the Achievement of Motivation Among Gifted and Non-Gifted Students in The Hail Region. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(34).

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