Sources of Psychological Stress and Their Relationship to Self - Regulation Among Teachers of Special Education Centers in Jordan


  • أروى محمد الكفاوين | Arwa Mohammad Al-Kafaween University of Hail



Psychological stress, special education teachers, self - regulation.


This study aimed to identify the sources of psychological stress and their relationship to self - regulation among special education teachers and identify the level of sources of psychological stress and self - regulation among special education teachers in Jordan. In addition, it aims at analyzing the statistical differences in the sources of psychological stress and self - regulation of special education teachers due to demographic variables that include age, work experience, and educational qualification. In order to achieve the objectives of this study, the correlational descriptive approach was adopted, the stress resource scale consisting of 4 dimensions was developed, and the self - regulation measure consisted of 40 items. The study sample was chosen by the intentional method and comprised 332 teachers. The study results showed the following: The arithmetic mean of the sources of psychological distress as a whole is 4.01 with a high rating, and the highest dimension is the economic dimension. Its rating was high with an arithmetic mean of 4.10, while the subjective dimension came with an arithmetic mean of 3.88, and its rating was high, which is the lowest arithmetic average between dimensions. It also showed statistically significant differences in the sources of psychological stress - the social dimension, the emotional dimension - due to the age variable, in favor of the group less than 25 years. It also showed statistically significant differences for the sources of psychological distress in all their dimensions due to the academic qualification variable in favor of the bachelor’s and of postgraduate studies for the dimensions - the social dimension, the subjective dimension, and the emotional dimension. As for the economic dimension, there are no differences. There are t statistically significant differences in the sources of psychological stress - the economic dimension - due to the variable - teaching experience - in favor of the group more than 10 years. It also showed statistically significant differences in self - regulation due to the age variable in favor of the group from 35 to less than 45 and the group more than 45 years. The study also showed statistically significant differences for self - organization attributed to the academic qualification variable in favor of the bachelor’s degree. The results show statistically significant differences for self - organization attributable to the teaching experience variable in favor of the group more than 10 years. Lastly, the results showed an inverse relationship between the dimensions sources of psychological stress and self - regulation through morale of less than 0. 05 between them where the Pearson correlation coefficient is negative for the elements.

Author Biography

أروى محمد الكفاوين | Arwa Mohammad Al-Kafaween, University of Hail

أستاذ مساعد -جامعة حائل - المملكة العربية السعودية 

تخصص تربية خاصة 


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How to Cite

Arwa Mohammad Al-Kafaween أ. م. ا. |. (2021). Sources of Psychological Stress and Their Relationship to Self - Regulation Among Teachers of Special Education Centers in Jordan. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(37).

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