The Degree of Practicing the Habits of Mind for Solving Mathematical Problems and Its Predictive Relationship with the Academic and Professional Self Among Math Students at Al-Aqsa University in Gaza


  • خالد خميس السر| Khaled Khamis Alserr جامعة الأقصى



Habits of Mind, Academic Self, Professional Self, Mathematics Students, Teacher


The research aimed to determine the degree of practicing the habits of mind for solving mathematical problems, and its relationship with academic and professional self among math students at al-Aqsa University in Gaza. For this purpose, the researcher prepared two questionnaires, one for the habits of mind and another for the academic and professional self. The sample consisted of 141 male and female students. The results indicated that the degree of practicing the habits of mind for solving mathematical problems, and the level of the academic and professional self were high among math students at al-Aqsa University in Gaza. The results also showed that there is no significant effect of the sex nor the studious level variables, while there was a significant effect of the commutated average variable on the degree of practicing the habits of mind, and the level of academic and professional self, in favor of those with higher rates. There is a predictive relationship between the degree of practicing the habits of mind and the level of professional and academic self.

Author Biography

خالد خميس السر| Khaled Khamis Alserr, جامعة الأقصى

أ.د. خالد خميس السر

أستاذ دكتور المناهج وطرق تدريس الرياضيات

قسم المناهج والتدريس

كلية التربية

جامعة الأقصى بغزة


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ثالثاً: المصادر والمراجع الأجنبية

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How to Cite

Khaled Khamis Alserr خ. خ. ا. (2021). The Degree of Practicing the Habits of Mind for Solving Mathematical Problems and Its Predictive Relationship with the Academic and Professional Self Among Math Students at Al-Aqsa University in Gaza. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(34).

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