The Relationship Between Social Support and Psychological Empowerment Among a Sample of Secondary Stage Male and Female Teachers in Irbid Governorate


  • مي أحمد مهيدات | Mai Ahmad Mheadat Yarmouk University



Social support, psychological empowerment.


This study aims to identify the level of social support, level of psychological empowerment and investigate the existence of a correlation between social support and psychological empowerment among secondary school teachers in Irbid governorate. To achieve the study objectives, the researcher uses the social support scale prepared by Zimet, Dahlem, Zihlem and Farly (1988) , and the psychological empowerment scale prepared by Spreitzer (1995) . The study sample consists of 816 male and female teachers in the secondary schools in the Irbid governorate. The study results showed that the level of social support among the sample members was high, while the level of psychological empowerment was moderate. The results also indicated a positive correlation between social support and psychological empowerment among secondary school teachers.

Author Biography

مي أحمد مهيدات | Mai Ahmad Mheadat, Yarmouk University

قسم الإرشاد التربوي


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How to Cite

Mai Ahmad Mheadat م. أ. م. |. (2021). The Relationship Between Social Support and Psychological Empowerment Among a Sample of Secondary Stage Male and Female Teachers in Irbid Governorate. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(37).

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