Mental Imagery and Its Relationship with Problem Solving Among Students of ’Al al-Bayt University in Jordan


  • عمر عطا الله العظامات | Omar Atallah Al-Adamat Ministry of Education
  • نظمي حسين الملا | Nathmi Husien Al-Moalla Ministry of Education



Mental imagery, problem-solving, University students.


The study aims to identify the level of mental imagery and problem-solving for the students of ’Al al-Bayt University, Jordan. In addition, it aims at detecting any differences in them due to gender, faculty or the interaction between gender and faculty. The study also aims to identify the relationship between mental imagery and problem-solving. The sample of the study included 690 male and female students of ’Al al-Bayt University. The scales of mental imagery and problem-solving were used in this study. The results concluded that the levels of mental imagery and problem-solving were average. Also, there were statistically significant differences in the level of mental imagery due to gender in favor of males and specialization in favor of the students of scientific disciplines. The differences due to the interaction between gender and faculty were not statistically significant. Finally, the results indicated a statistically significant positive correlation between mental imagery and problem-solving.


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How to Cite

Omar Atallah Al-Adamat ع. ع. ا. ا. |, & Nathmi Husien Al-Moalla ن. ح. ا. |. (2021). Mental Imagery and Its Relationship with Problem Solving Among Students of ’Al al-Bayt University in Jordan. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(37).

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