Post - Traumatic Stress and its Relationship to Future Anxiety among Family Members whose Homes were Destroyed by the Israeli Occupation in Jerusalem


  • تهاني أحمد اللوزي | Tahani Ahmad Al-Lawze Al-Quds Open University
  • زياد أمين بركات | Zeiad Ameen Barakat Al-Quds Open University



post - traumatic stress, future anxiety, families whose houses were demolished, Jerusalem.


The study aimed to know the relationship between post - traumatic stress and its relationship to future anxiety among individuals whose families are destroyed from the Israeli occupation in Jerusalem and the level of both post - traumatic stress and future anxiety, and verify the significance of the differences in the level according to variables: The type of respondent, the level of demolition, the economic level of the family, and the number of family members. The study adopted the descriptive, analytical, relational approach as a method to complete this study. The study sample consisted of 261 members of families whose homes were destroyed by the Israeli occupation in the city of Jerusalem. The study concluded the following results: The level of total post - traumatic stress and its sub - domains and the level of aggregate future anxiety and its sub - domains were high. On the other hand, the results showed statistically significant differences in the level of post - traumatic stresses and the level of total future anxiety and their sub - magazines according to the type of respondent variable in favor of the mother compared to the father and the son and the daughter, and in favor of the father compared to the son and daughter, and in favor of the daughter compared to the son. In contrast, there were no statistically significant differences in these levels according to variables: The level of demolition, the economic level of the family, and the number of family members. The results also showed a statistically positive correlation between post - traumatic stress and future anxiety among members of families whose homes were destroyed by the Israeli occupation in Jerusalem.


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How to Cite

Tahani Ahmad Al-Lawze ت. أ. ا. |, & Zeiad Ameen Barakat ز. أ. ب. |. (2021). Post - Traumatic Stress and its Relationship to Future Anxiety among Family Members whose Homes were Destroyed by the Israeli Occupation in Jerusalem. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(37).

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