The Predictive Ability of Goal-Orientations and Mindfulness in Achieving Motivation Among Yarmouk University Students


  • بتول أكرم حموري | Batool Akram Hammouri Yarmouk University
  • معاوية محمود أبو غزال | Muaweyah Mahmoud Abu Gazal Yarmouk University



Predictive ability, goal orientations, mindfulness, motivation achievement, Yarmouk University students.


The present study aimed at identifying the predictive ability of goal orientations and mindfulness in achieving motivation among Yarmouk University students.The study used the descriptive, predictive, and relational approaches. The sample of the study consisted of 998 male and female undergraduate students selected using the convenient method. To achieve the objectives of the study, the scale of mindfulness (Abu Hassan, 2019) was adopted. The goal orientations (Abu Ghazal, Hammouri, and Ajlouni, 2013), and the achievement motivation scale developed by the researchers were administered. The findings of the predictive model showed that the predictors: Mastery /approach goal orientations, performance/approach goal orientations, description, observation, non-interaction with the internal experience, and conscious working interpreted respectively as 35.06, 7.78, 5.56, 1.85, 0.85, 0.69 from the variation in achievement motivation among Yarmouk University students.

Author Biography

بتول أكرم حموري | Batool Akram Hammouri, Yarmouk University

طالبة دكتوراة، جامعة اليرموك، قسم علم النفس التربيو والارشادي، علم نفس تربوي


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How to Cite

Batool Akram Hammouri ب. أ. ح. |, & Muaweyah Mahmoud Abu Gazal م. م. أ. غ. |. (2021). The Predictive Ability of Goal-Orientations and Mindfulness in Achieving Motivation Among Yarmouk University Students. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(37).

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