The Views of Faculty Members on the Degree of Commitment of Graduate Students at Yarmouk University to the Foundations of Islamic Education


  • محمد خالد الزعبي | Mohammad Khaled Al-Zubi Yarmouk University
  • حسن أحمد الحياري | Hassan Ahmed Al-Hayari Yarmouk University



Graduate studies students. Yarmouk University. Islamic education. Faculty members.


The study aimed at detecting the commitment degree of graduate students at Yarmouk University to the Islamic education bases as perceived by the faculty members, and the differences attributed to some variables. The researchers adopted the descriptive (survey) approach with a questionnaire of 37 items administrated after checking its validity and reliability on a sample of 41 faculty members. The findings of the study showed that the commitment degree of graduate students to the foundations of Islamic education from the point of view of the faculty members was moderate. The results also showed no differences in the estimates of the study sample of the degree of commitment of graduate students to the foundations of Islamic education from the viewpoint of the faculty members at Yarmouk University, which is attributable to the variables of gender and college.

Author Biography

محمد خالد الزعبي | Mohammad Khaled Al-Zubi, Yarmouk University

وزارة التربية والتعليم الأردنية

معلم فصل

دكتوراه أصول تربية 


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How to Cite

Mohammad Khaled Al-Zubi م. خ. ا. |, & Hassan Ahmed Al-Hayari ح. أ. ا. |. (2021). The Views of Faculty Members on the Degree of Commitment of Graduate Students at Yarmouk University to the Foundations of Islamic Education. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(37).

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