The Predictive Ability of Learning Style and Academic Motivation in Academic Procrastination in the Light of Perfectionism Among Yarmouk University Students


  • بيان فيصل شياب | Bayan Faisal Sheyab Yarmouk University
  • معاوية محمود أبو غزال | Muaweyah Mahoud Abu Gazal Yarmouk University



Perfectionism, academic motivation, procrastination, learning styles.


The study aims to reveal the predictive ability of the learning style and academic motivation in academic procrastination in light of the perfectionism among Yarmouk university students. The sample consists of 461 students selected using the convenient method from Yarmouk University. To achieve the objectives of the study, the scales of academic motivation (Vallerand et al. , 1992, learning styles (Zgol 2000) , perfectionism (Slaney et al. , 2001) , and academic procrastination (Abu - ghazal, 2012) were administered. The results revealed that the strategic learning style, shallow learning style, and lack of motivation explain 50,2% of the variance of academic procrastination. The deep style, the internal motivation, and the external motivation are not introduced in the prediction of academic procrastination in the light of adaptive perfectionism. The results revealed that the strategic style, shallow style, and lack of motivation explained 25,6% of the variance of academic procrastination. The deep style, internal motivation, and external motivation are not included in the prediction of academic procrastination.


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How to Cite

Bayan Faisal Sheyab ب. ف. ش. |, & Muaweyah Mahoud Abu Gazal م. م. أ. غ. |. (2021). The Predictive Ability of Learning Style and Academic Motivation in Academic Procrastination in the Light of Perfectionism Among Yarmouk University Students. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(37).

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