The Level of Psychological Stress Among Mothers of Blind Children in the West Bank Governorates and Its Relationship to Some Variables


  • يوسف ذياب عواد | Youssef Diab Awwad Al-Quds Open University



Psychological stress, visual impairment, blindness, mothers of the blind.


The present study aimed to identify the level of parenting stress of mothers with visually impaired children in the governorates of the West Bank, and its relationship to some variables. The sample of the study consisted of 145 mothers of visually impaired children who were chosen by the intentional method, at a rate of 62. 5% of the study population consisting of 232 mothers.
They filled out a questionnaire consisting of 35 items classified into two dimensions: The burdens placed on mothers and the negative feelings that accompany them. The collected data were computed and analyzed using the SPSS program.
The results of the study showed that the total level of stress of mothers with visually impaired children was average at a moderate level. In addition, the results showed statistically significant differences between the two dimensions, the burden placed on mothers and the negative feelings that accompany the mother in favor of the burden placed on mothers. The results also indicated no statistically significant differences attributed to the variables of the age of the visually impaired child, mother’s work, and the presence of another visually impaired child in the family. However, the results showed statistically significant differences attributed to the variable of the mother’s age, in favor of the young category less than 30 years old followed by the category of 40 years old or more. Moreover, the results showed statistically significant differences attributed to the variable of the number of family members in favor of the category of families with less than 5 members, followed by the category with more than 9 members.
The results also showed differences attributed to the variable of the economic status in favor of poor economic conditions. The results of the linear regression analysis showed that the economic situation illustrated 25% of the variance, while the number of family members illustrated 5%, and 70% of the stressors were due to other variables that were not covered by the study. In light of the results of this study, the researcher recommended providing psychological support and emotional emptying programs for mothers of visually impaired children, as well as addressing other variables not investigated in this study, and conducting studies dealing with psychological burnout, personal strengths, and coping strategies for mothers of visually impaired children.

Author Biography

يوسف ذياب عواد | Youssef Diab Awwad, Al-Quds Open University


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How to Cite

Youssef Diab Awwad ي. ذ. ع. |. (2021). The Level of Psychological Stress Among Mothers of Blind Children in the West Bank Governorates and Its Relationship to Some Variables. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(37).

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