The Degree of Utilizing UNRWA School Principals in the Gaza Strip for the Ten Tools of Change


  • سليمان حسين المزين | Suleiman Hussein Al-Muzain Islamic University
  • سامي سعيد أبو حسب الله | Sami Said Abu Hasaballa The joint program between the Islamic University and Al-Aqsa University



Degree of utilization, school principals, UNRWA schools, Ten Tools of Change.


This study aimed to determine the degree to which school principals of UNRWA in the middle area of the Gaza Strip utilize the Ten Tools of Change. It also reveals whether there are statistically significant differences according to the variables of gender, years of service, and academic qualification on the averages of school principals’ estimates of the degree of utilizing the tools. The study used the descriptive approach, while the questionnaire was used as a basic tool for collecting data by applying it to the study sample of 57male and female school principals during 2020 - 2019. The results indicated that the degree to which UNRWA school principals utilize the ten tools of change was very large, with 85.33%. The highest degree was the review tool and was very large, with a percentage of 91.32%, and the lowest degree was the straight lanes method which was a large extent, with a percentage of 76.40%. There are no statistically significant differences for the averages of the study sample’s estimates of the degree of utilizing the ten tools of change due to the variables of gender, years of service, and academic qualification.

Author Biography

سامي سعيد أبو حسب الله | Sami Said Abu Hasaballa, The joint program between the Islamic University and Al-Aqsa University

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How to Cite

Suleiman Hussein Al-Muzain س. ح. ا. |, & Sami Said Abu Hasaballa س. س. أ. ح. ا. |. (2021). The Degree of Utilizing UNRWA School Principals in the Gaza Strip for the Ten Tools of Change. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(37).

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