TIMSS Test Skills and Their Relationship to the Mathematical Self/Skill of Eighth Grade Students in Palestine


  • Mohammed Jebreal Daher جامعة الأقصى
  • Yahya Mohammed Abo Jahjouh جامعة الاقصى
  • Khaled Faez Abdel Qader جامعة الاقصى




TIMSS test skills, mathematics self


The aim of this research is to reveal the skills of the TIMSS test and its relationship to the mathematical self/skill of eighth grade students in Palestine.
The researchers followed the descriptive method. The authors employed the mathematical skills testing, mathematical self-concept measurement, and used the following statistical methods: Iterations, arithmetic averages, standard deviations, percentages, correlation coefficients and progressive regression coefficients. The findings of the study revealed that there are statistically significant differences in the average scores of TIMSS test skills in favor of female students. In addition, there are statistically significant differences in the concept of mathematical self, and the existence of a positive relationship between them, and the predictability of math effort. The researcher recommended to enrich the eighth-grade math textbook with questions and activities that include higher thinking skills and questions that emulate the international TIMSS test, and to promote the concept of the mathematical self in the different stages through the method of explanation and solving textbook exercises and providing learners with appropriate feedback.

Author Biographies

Mohammed Jebreal Daher, جامعة الأقصى

Master Student

Yahya Mohammed Abo Jahjouh, جامعة الاقصى


Khaled Faez Abdel Qader, جامعة الاقصى

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Daher, M. J., Abo Jahjouh, Y. M., & Abdel Qader, K. F. (2022). TIMSS Test Skills and Their Relationship to the Mathematical Self/Skill of Eighth Grade Students in Palestine. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 13(39). https://doi.org/10.33977/1182-013-039-004

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