Morale and its Relationship with Coping Methods of Psychological Stress Among Secondary School Students in Gaza Governorates


  • Mofeed Ahmed Ahmed جامعة البطانة
  • Somaya Al- Khalifa Al- Mahdi جامعة البطانة



Morale, coping methods of psychological stress, secondary school students


The current study aimed to identify the relationship between morale and the methods of coping with psychological stress among secondary school students in the governorates of Gaza. The study examined the level of morale and the most common approaches of facing psychological stress, and the differences in morale and methods of facing psychological stress according to the variables of national belonging and gender. The study sample consisted of 555 male and female high school students, and the researchers prepared and used the two measures of morale and methods of coping with psychological stress. The main important results of the study found that, both the level of morale and methods of facing psychological stress, very high, in addition to a positive relationship. Statistical significance was found between the scores of secondary school students on the morale scale and their scores on the scale of methods of coping with psychological stress.
There are statistically significant differences in the average grades of secondary school students in the total degree of morale and for each of the following dimensions including the self and academic, attributed to the national belonging variable in favor of individuals who are not affiliated with any party. On the other hand, there are no significant statistically significant differences in the averages of students as per political and life goals dimensions which are attributed to the variable of party affiliation. There are statistically significant differences in the average grades of secondary school students in the total degree of morale, and for each of the following dimensions of political and life goals due to the gender variable in favor of females. While there are no fundamental differences statistically significant in the average grades of secondary school students in the dimensions of self and academic due to the gender variable. There are no statistically significant differences in the average grades of secondary school students in the methods of confronting the psychological stress including problem solving and confronting activities, avoidance, humor and ideas. There are statistically significant differences in the average grades of secondary school students in the methods of facing psychological stress in the following methods of support and social support, emotional discharge, religious and spiritual confrontations attributed to gender in favor of malesregarding social support, emotional discharge and in favor of females in the method of religious and spiritual confrontation.

Author Biographies

Mofeed Ahmed Ahmed, جامعة البطانة

PhD student

Somaya Al- Khalifa Al- Mahdi, جامعة البطانة

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Ahmed, M. A., & Al- Mahdi, S. A.-. K. (2022). Morale and its Relationship with Coping Methods of Psychological Stress Among Secondary School Students in Gaza Governorates. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 13(39).

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