The Availability Level of Entrepreneurship Qualities Among Preparatory Year Students at University of Ha’il to Create Their Entrepreneur Projects and Encounter Challenges



Entrepreneurship, preparatory year, entrepreneur project


The study examined the availability level of entrepreneurship qualities among preparatory year students at Hail University to create their entrepreneur projects and encounter challenges. The sample of the study consisted of 595 male and female students selected using random stratified sampling procedures. To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire of 40 items distributed on 8 domains was administrated to students. In addition, to identify the challenges encountered by preparatory year students in their entrepreneur projects, an open- ended question was employed. The results of the study indicated that the availability level of entrepreneurship qualities was high. Self-control ranked first with high level, while autonomy and responsibility ranked last with moderate level.
The study showed statistically significant differences in the availability level of entrepreneurship qualities due to gender, in favor of females, due to the participation in youth entrepreneurship programs, in favor of students participating in these programs due to residence, in favor of urban students.
From the students’ point of view, the most significant challenges encountered by preparatory year students at Hail University to create entrepreneur projects were economic hardships due to COVID-19 in 2020/ 2021.

Author Biography

Fadi Fuad Ghawanmeh, جامعة حائل

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Ghawanmeh, F. F. (2022). The Availability Level of Entrepreneurship Qualities Among Preparatory Year Students at University of Ha’il to Create Their Entrepreneur Projects and Encounter Challenges. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 13(39). Retrieved from

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