A Proposed Instructional Software and Measuring its Effect on the Ability of the First Basic Graders in Jordan in Distinguishing Between the Arabic Language Alphabets Which Resemble in Form and Differ in Pronunciation
Instructional software, the Arabic language alphabets that resemble in form, differ in pronunciation, reading, writingAbstract
This study aimed to find out the effect of the proposed instructional software on the ability of the first basic graders in Jordan to distinguish between the Arabic language alphabets which resemble in form and differ in pronunciation by using the quasi-experimental approach. The study sample consisted of 47 male and female students from al-Karama Primary School. The sample was randomly divided into two groups, 26 students in an experimental group and 21 in the control group. This study was applied during the first academic semester of 2019-2020. An instructional software and two tests for reading and writing letters that are similar in shape and different in pronunciation were prepared and applied after its soundness and veracity verified. Using One Way ANCOVA analysis, the differences were found in the arithmetic averages and standard deviations to students' performances in p ost reading and writing exams for the experimental group that was taught by the proposed instructional software. The study recommended that the instructional software should be used in teaching the letters of Arabic language.
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