Academic Excellence and Professional Self-Assertion& its Relation with Self-Efficacy Among Staff Members at Al-Aqsa University


  • Mervat Atef Alnajar جامعة الاقصى



Academic excellence, professional self-assertion, self-efficacy, staff member


The current study aimed at examining the level of both the academic excellence, professional self-assertion and self-efficacy among staff member at al-Aqsa University. The study as well elucidated the relationship between academic excellence, professional self-assertion and self-efficacy among a study sample of 500 staff members. The researcher developed three metrics: Academic Excellence scale, professional self-assertion scale and Self-efficacy scale. The results of the study indicated that the level of academic excellence and professional self-assertion and self-efficacy came at a high level, and it was found that there is a positive statistically significant correlation between the academic excellence and self-efficacy. There is a positive statistically significant correlation between professional self-assertion and self-efficacy. The researcher recommends providing professional advancement opportunities for faculty members to maintain and upgrade their performance, and to encourage them to present innovative ideas that advance the university and its academic level.

Author Biography

Mervat Atef Alnajar, جامعة الاقصى

Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Alnajar, M. A. . (2022). Academic Excellence and Professional Self-Assertion& its Relation with Self-Efficacy Among Staff Members at Al-Aqsa University. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 13(39).

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