The Role of School Administration in Empowering Teachers in light of Some Demographic Variables from the School Teachers’ Point of View in ar-Ramtha City


  • Nadia Mohammad Deebajah وزارة التربية والتعليم الأردنية



Role, school administration, empowering teachers, ar-Ramtha city


This study aimed to reveal the role of school administration in empowering teachers in the light of some demographic variables from the teachers' point of view in ar-Ramtha City. To achieve the study objectives, the analytical survey method was used through a scale consisting of 34 items. The study sample comprised 272 male and female teachers from public schools, of whom 116 male teachers, and 156 female teachers, who were chosen by the cluster random method. The study results showed that the degree of the role of school administration in empowering teachers in the light of some demographic variables from the teachers’ point of view in ar-Ramtha city was moderate. The results also showed that there are no statistically significant differences in in the teachers’ point of view regarding the role of school administration in empowering teachers, due to the variables of gender, work experience and qualifications.

Author Biography

Nadia Mohammad Deebajah, وزارة التربية والتعليم الأردنية



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How to Cite

Deebajah, N. M. . (2022). The Role of School Administration in Empowering Teachers in light of Some Demographic Variables from the School Teachers’ Point of View in ar-Ramtha City. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 13(39).

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