The Role of Secondary School Principals in the Triangle area (the Green Line) in Strengthening the Partnership with the Local Community and its Relationship to the Development of Volunteer Work Among Students from the Teachers’ Point of View


  • Rasha Saaied Dik جامعة اليرموك
  • Muhammad Ali Ashour جامعة اليرموك



Partnership, volunteer work, school principals


This study aimed to reveal the role of secondary school principals in the triangle area (the green line) in strengthening partnership with the local community and its relationship to the development of volunteer work among students. To achieve this goal, a convenient sample of 309 male and female teachers was selected in the triangle area (the Green Line) for the year 2021/2022. The results showed that the school principal’s role in promoting partnership with the local community was moderate, and that there were statistically significant differences in the school principal’s role due to the variables of academic qualification and experience, while no differences appeared due to the gender variable. In addition, the school principal’s role in promoting volunteer work was moderate. Finally, the results indicated a statistically significant correlation between partnership with the local community and the promotion of volunteer work. The study offers a set of recommendations based on the results, such as the implementation of training programs for school principals to increase their awareness of social responsibility in the academic, administrative and financial fields.

Author Biographies

Rasha Saaied Dik, جامعة اليرموك

PhD student

Muhammad Ali Ashour, جامعة اليرموك



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How to Cite

Dik, R. S. ., & Ashour, M. A. . (2022). The Role of Secondary School Principals in the Triangle area (the Green Line) in Strengthening the Partnership with the Local Community and its Relationship to the Development of Volunteer Work Among Students from the Teachers’ Point of View. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 13(39).

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