Psychosocial Support and its Relationship to Psychological Toughness Among a Recovered Sample from COVID-19 in al-Wusta Governorate- Gaza.


  • Khaled Awad Mowanes جامعة القدس المفتوحة /فرع الوسطى



Psychosocial support, psychological toughness, COVID-19


The study aimed to identify the level of psychosocial support and psychological toughness, the relationship between them, and the extent of difference of each according to the variables of age, marital status, and educational level. The study was applied to a recovered sample from COVID-19 in al-Wusta governorate. The study employed the descriptive correlative approach. To achieve its objectives, two scales were developed as study tools, the psychosocial support scale, and the psychological toughness scale. After checking their validity and reliability, they were applied to 123 recovered persons from COVID-19 in al-Wusta Governorate. After analyzing the data, the study concluded that the level of psychosocial support came at an average level, and the level of psychological toughness came at a high level. There is a positive direct correlation between the degree of social support and psychological toughness. There are no differences in the psychosocail support due to the variables of the educational level, age and social status. There are no differences in psychological toughness due to the variable of social status, age and educational level of those recovered from COVID-19. In light of the results of the study and its discussion, the study recommended the necessity of designing counseling programs targeting the recovered from COVID-19 and provide them with psychological support and social care.

Author Biography

Khaled Awad Mowanes, جامعة القدس المفتوحة /فرع الوسطى

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Mowanes, K. A. . (2022). Psychosocial Support and its Relationship to Psychological Toughness Among a Recovered Sample from COVID-19 in al-Wusta Governorate- Gaza. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 13(39).

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