Self- Defeating Beliefs and Their Relationship to the Level of Psychological Burnout Among a Sample of Counselors at the Public Schools in Damascus City


  • Anas Mohammad Shehadeh Damascus University



Self- defeating beliefs, psychological burnout, counsellor


The study aims to identify the relationship between self- defeating beliefs and psychological burnout among a sample of 150 counselors working at the secondary schools in Damascus. The researcher used self- defeating beliefs and psychological burnout scales and adopted the descriptive correlative approach. Data were processed through SPSS program. The results showed a high level of self- defeating beliefs and psychological burnout among the study sample members, in addition to the existence of positive and significant correlation between self- defeating beliefs and psychological burnout, no differences between counselors on self- defeating beliefs scale were found according to the variables of gender and academic specialization. There are no differences between counselors on psychological burnout scale according to school specialization variable, while the differences were statistically significant according to gender variable for the benefit of females. In addition, the counselors with high level of self- defeating beliefs suffered more from psychological burnout. A set of recommendations and proposals were also developed, most notably: Preparing guidance programs by researchers at the faculties of education at the universities of the Syrian Arab Republic, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, based on the rational, emotional, and cognitive- behavioral approach to modify the self- defeating beliefs that are common among psychological counselors. Such programs will help them follow a pattern of logical thinking. Nevertheless, the training courses will aim to train them on how to practice self- care procedures which contributes to reducing their level of psychological burnout. In addition to implementing training and professional preparation courses for the psychological counselor to inform him of everything new in the field of psychological counseling. This step will contributes to identifying his duties and responsibilities accurately, and help relieving the burdens and the professional and psychological pressures he is exposed to, which eventually leads to psychological burnout.

Author Biography

Anas Mohammad Shehadeh, Damascus University



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How to Cite

Shehadeh, A. M. (2023). Self- Defeating Beliefs and Their Relationship to the Level of Psychological Burnout Among a Sample of Counselors at the Public Schools in Damascus City. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 14(41).

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