A Causal Model of the Relationship Between Social Emotional Competence, Mindfulness, Academic Help Seeking and Achievement Motivation


  • Hiyam Ahed Younis Yarmouk University
  • Adnan Yousef Atoum Yarmouk University




Achievement motivation, social- emotional competence, mindfulness, academic help seeking


This study aimed to reveal the causal relationships between social emotional competence (SEC) , mindfulness, academic help seeking (AHS) and achievement motivation through a proposed causal modeling based on cognitive principles using path analysis to explain achievement motivation. The study sample consisted of 384 Arab students in Haifa. For the purposes of the study, a set of tools were used including SEC Scale by Zhou and Ee (2012) , scale of mindfulness by Baer et al. (2006) , translated by Abu Hassan (2019) , AHS Scale developed by Abu Ghazal (2013), achievement motivation scale based on the study of Othman et al. (2014). The results extracted the best model that achieved a good fit with the suggested model, which included direct positive effects that were statistically significant at the level 0. 01 for social awareness, relationship skills and self- awareness domains on AHS. And for self- management,
self- awareness domains and AHS on mindfulness. In addition to AHS, mindfulness on achievement motivation. There are statistically significant indirect effects for social awareness, relationship skills, and self- awareness on mindfulness, in addition to social awareness, self- management, relationship skills, self- awareness, and AHS on achievement motivation.

Author Biographies

Hiyam Ahed Younis, Yarmouk University

PhD Student

Adnan Yousef Atoum, Yarmouk University



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How to Cite

Younis, H. A., & Atoum, A. Y. (2023). A Causal Model of the Relationship Between Social Emotional Competence, Mindfulness, Academic Help Seeking and Achievement Motivation. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 14(41). https://doi.org/10.33977/1182-014-041-001

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