The Administrative Patterns of School Principals According to "Likert" Theory and its Relationship to the Social Responsibility of Public-School Teachers in Salfit Governorate From the Teachers' Perspectives


  • Basem Mohammad Shalash Al-Quds Open University



Administrative patterns, social responsibility, Salfit Governorate


This study aims to identify the prevailing administrative patterns in public schools and their relationship to the social responsibility of teachers in Salfit Governorate. The descriptive correlative approach was used to achieve this goal, where two questionnaires were adopted, entailing one for administrative patterns and the other for social responsibility. The study sample consisted of 400 male and female teachers, the results of the study showed that the participatory democratic style came in the first place with an average of 4.12 and a high level. On the other hand, the social responsibility of teachers was high with an average of 4.15. The results also showed a strong relationship between administrative patterns and social responsibility. The researcher recommended the necessity of delegating some of the powers of government school principals to their teachers.

Author Biography

Basem Mohammad Shalash, Al-Quds Open University



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How to Cite

Shalash, B. M. (2023). The Administrative Patterns of School Principals According to "Likert" Theory and its Relationship to the Social Responsibility of Public-School Teachers in Salfit Governorate From the Teachers’ Perspectives. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 14(41).

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