The unique Word in the Qur’an is artistic building and many Renewed Meanings (The Quranic Uniques in the context of the talk about Quran as Model


  • Samira Hasan Masarwy Yarmouk University
  • Adnan Yousef Al-Atoum Yarmouk University



academic buoyancy, the big five personality factors, future time perspective


The study aimed to reveal the causal relationships between academic buoyancy, the Big Five personality factors and the perspective of the future time perspective through a proposed causal modeling based on theorical foundations and previous research that adopted the path analysis method to explain academic buoyancy. To achieve this, the study sample consisted of (368) male and female students from Al Qasimi College, that was chosen by the available method. Also, the researchers used the Zoghbi Academic Buoyancy Scale (2018) , the Future Time Perspective Scale prepared by Zimbardo (Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999) and translated by Al- Rabee and colleagues (2019) , and the Five Big Personality Factors scale for Jaradat and Abu Ghazal (2014). The results indicated that all indicators matching were achieved for the alternative model. They also indicated that there are direct and statistically significant effects of some of the big five personality factors on some dimensions of the future time perspective, and the presence of a statistically significant indirect effect for some of the five major personality factors and some dimensions of the time perspective on academic buoyancy.

Author Biographies

Samira Hasan Masarwy, Yarmouk University

PhD Student

Adnan Yousef Al-Atoum, Yarmouk University



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How to Cite

Masarwy, S. H., & Al-Atoum, A. Y. (2023). The unique Word in the Qur’an is artistic building and many Renewed Meanings (The Quranic Uniques in the context of the talk about Quran as Model. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 14(41).

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