The Quality of Teachers› Training from Educational Supervisors and School Principals Viewpoints at the Ministry of Education in Palestine (A Qualitative Study)


  • Adel Fayez Sartawi NIET
  • Abed Al-Naser Abed Al-Rahim Qadumi An-Najah National University
  • Ali Zuhdi Shaqour An-Najah National University



Quality, teacher’s training, Ministry of Education


The current paper aimed at studying the quality of teachers’ training from educational supervisors’ and school principals’ viewpoints at the Ministry of Education in Palestine. The researchers followed the qualitative approach based on Grounded Theory to analyze the dimensions of teachers’ training quality. The researchers ensured the validity and reliability of the qualitative study instrument, examined objective analysis and data coding for results of semi- structure interviews within focus groups of respondents as experts, in order to suggest an educational theory of teachers training dimensions quality, and propose a model of teachers training quality. The results showed that the qualitative interviews produced eight dimensions of teacher training quality in Palestine which are: Trainers, trainees (teachers) , planning and training objectives, training evaluation and measurement, training environment, e- training, content (training material) , and management training.

Author Biographies

Adel Fayez Sartawi, NIET

Assistant Professor

Abed Al-Naser Abed Al-Rahim Qadumi, An-Najah National University


Ali Zuhdi Shaqour, An-Najah National University

Associate Professor


قائمة المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

Sartawi, A. F., Qadumi, A. A.-N. A. A.-R., & Shaqour, A. Z. (2023). The Quality of Teachers› Training from Educational Supervisors and School Principals Viewpoints at the Ministry of Education in Palestine (A Qualitative Study). Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 14(41).

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