The Extent to Which Teachers of the Primary Stage Practice Classroom Management in Light of the Contemporary Educational Trends and Ways of Activating Them in the Palestinian Schools


  • Majdi Ali Zamel Al-Quds Open University
  • Hanan Hamed Mohamad Obaidallah Samiha Khalil High Basic Mixed School



Classroom management, contemporary educational trends, teachers of the primary stage, ways of activating them


This study aimed at detecting the extent to which teachers of the primary stage practice classroom management in light of the contemporary educational trends and ways of activating them in the Palestinian schools. The study as well identified the differences in the extent to which teachers of the primary stage practice classroom management, through considering the study variables such as gender, academic qualification, number of training courses, governorates and years of service. The researcher has adopted the mixed approach including the qualitative and the quantitative where he used two tools to obtain data, and has developed a questionnaire to include 53 paragraphs distributed over six aspects applied on a layered random sample. The study sample is 287 male and female teachers and focal groups were applied to 27 male and female managers. The study results demonstrates the extent of practicing the classroom administration by teachers of primary stage is high. In addition, the study demonstrate that there are no statistically significant differences regarding the extent to which practicing of teachers of the primary stage attributed to the variables of gender, number of training courses, governorate and interaction between them. There are no statistically significant differences attributed to the variable of academic qualification, years of service and interaction between academic qualification and years of service. However, there is a statistically significant difference attributed to variable of years of service.
Based on the results, this study recommends that the educational institution provide opportunities for the principals and teachers of the primary stage, to be familiar with the most important practical procedures that achieve effective classroom management which are consistent with the contemporary educational trends.

Author Biographies

Majdi Ali Zamel, Al-Quds Open University


Hanan Hamed Mohamad Obaidallah, Samiha Khalil High Basic Mixed School



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How to Cite

Zamel, M. A., & Obaidallah, H. H. M. (2023). The Extent to Which Teachers of the Primary Stage Practice Classroom Management in Light of the Contemporary Educational Trends and Ways of Activating Them in the Palestinian Schools. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 14(41).

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