Web-Based Market Information System for Farmers in Palestine


  • Yousef Saleh Abuzir Al-Quds Open University, Palestine
  • Waleed Abdullah Awad Al-Quds Open Unversity
  • Mohamad Hamdi Khdair Al-Quds Open University




Market Information Systems, Web Application, Farm Management, Farm software.


The advances in information and communication technologies (ICTs) provide great tools for development in Palestine, especially utilizing the availability of internet access through web-based applications. One important sector to benefit from ICT tools is the agricultural sector. Farmers need to be empowered with technology to make the best use of the scarce resources of the farm. The main objective is to identify and analyze relevant material and information flows, production processes, and their interconnections and synergies in the agriculture sector. Market Information Systems for Farmers (MISF) is an information system used to gather, analyze, and disseminate information about agricultural yields, prices, and other information, such information is relevant to farmers, traders, dealers, and others involved in handling agricultural products. In this paper, we propose a system that will address some of the problems facing the farmer markets. This new approach will make the farmer and the buyers responsible for uploading their agricultural products, harvest data, and price information using the MISF website and the MISF application on their mobile devices. In this research, a descriptive approach was used to analyze the agricultural information marketing system. First, data related to our system was gathered using a literature review of research, reports, questionnaires, and site visits. We then used an Object-Oriented Approach to apply a system analysis and represent our solution using UML Notation, graph, figures, and tables. In this paper, we will try to address some of the problems facing the farmer markets. The proposed system will facilitate trade by creating a capacity for sellers to contact individual buyers. This system will provide information on what agricultural products are in demand by analyzing consumer consumption and market trends. The system will collect demographic details such as the types of crops grown, crop size, prices, cost, and maybe access to the type of irrigation, soil, and fertilizers as inputs from the farmers as well as other information about crops consumption. The data gathered by the proposed system can be used to advise farmers about needed crops and suggest ways to help them lower costs and improve productivity; this can be achieved using data mining techniques and maybe the Internet of Things (IoT). In general, the system will track farmers’ daily activities, businesses and provide ongoing support in areas such as labor, costs, yields management, crops consumption, harvest management, market price discovery, and strong relation with buyers.

Author Biography

Yousef Saleh Abuzir, Al-Quds Open University, Palestine


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How to Cite

Abuzir, Y. S., Awad, W. A., & Khdair, M. H. (2022). Web-Based Market Information System for Farmers in Palestine. Palestinian Journal of Technology and Applied Sciences (PJTAS), (5). https://doi.org/10.33977/2106-000-005-002

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