The Effect of Irrigation with Fish and Dairy Farm Effluents on the Production of Date Palm cv. Medjool


  • Alai Daoud Bitar Al-Quds Open University
  • Hassan Ahmad Ibrahim , Abu-Qaoud An - Najah National University
  • Husameddin Mustafa Abdalla, Isaid, Nakheel Palestine Company
  • Ismail Hasan Abdallah , Daiq, Valley Trading Company
  • Khalid Wajdi Aref Aslan, Al-Quds Open University
  • Ziad Hussein Alzuhoor Valley Trading Company


Date palm, Medjool, reuse water, farm water, fish farm effluent, dairy farm effluent


Since the 2000s, date palm trees have been rapidly spreading across the Jordan valley in the West Bank. Although the date palm may survive in arid climates, it needs enough water to reach its full potential production. The West Bank limited water resources are seen as the most significant obstacle to agricultural development.

This study was carried out over two growing seasons, 2019 and 2020, in order to assess the efficacy of alternative irrigated water resources for the date palm trees. A randomized complete block design (RCBD) was used in the experiment to replicate the three treatments: farm water (control), fish farm effluent, and dairy farm effluent. Microbial analyses (yeasts, molds, and E. coli) and chemical analyses (pH, EC, Cl, Na N, P, and K) were performed for all types of irrigated water used in the experiment.

The results indicated no harmful microbial existence in the three irrigation water treatments. The EC was higher in both fish and dairy effluents (6.85 and 6.41 dS/m) respectively compared to 2.89 ds/m in the control. The results of 2019 season showed no significant differences among the treatments in most parameters studied in the experiment, while the results of the 2020 season indicated the superiority of irrigation with fish farm effluent compared to other treatments. This treatment gave the highest number of leaves (26.5 leaves) per tree, the highest yield per tree (67 kg/ tree) and the highest fruit weight 18.78 g. Fish and dairy farm effluents were rich in nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) that could compensate the annual requirements of NPK for the date palm tree. Thus, fish and dairy farm effluents could be used as a source of irrigation and fertilizer in modern date palm cultivation, however, long run investigation is needed to study the impact of using such water sources on soil and plant.

Author Biographies

Alai Daoud Bitar, Al-Quds Open University

Associate Professor/Al-Quds Open University\ Palestine

Hassan Ahmad Ibrahim , Abu-Qaoud, An - Najah National University

 Professor/ An-Najah National University/Palestine

Husameddin Mustafa Abdalla, Isaid,, Nakheel Palestine Company

 Researcher /Nakheel Palestine/ Palestine

Ismail Hasan Abdallah , Daiq,, Valley Trading Company

Research/Valley Trading Company/ Palestine

Khalid Wajdi Aref Aslan,, Al-Quds Open University

Research /Al-Quds Open University/Palestine

Ziad Hussein Alzuhoor, Valley Trading Company

Research/Valley Trading Company/ Palestine


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How to Cite

Bitar, A. D., Abu-Qaoud, H. A. I. , Isaid, H. M. A., Daiq, I. H. A. . , Aslan, K. . W. A., & Alzuhoor, Z. H. (2023). The Effect of Irrigation with Fish and Dairy Farm Effluents on the Production of Date Palm cv. Medjool. Palestinian Journal of Technology and Applied Sciences (PJTAS), (6). Retrieved from

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