The Palestinian Agriculture Clusters Strategy: Status and Prospects


  • أ. رنا هاشم حاج ياسين Ms. Rana H. Haj Yassin جامعة بيرزيت



Clusters Development, Agricultural sector, Palestinian Economy


The study aims to assess the current situation and the expected impact of the implementation of the strategy of the Palestinian agricultural clusters plan on the agricultural sector by studying the items of the plan, the current status of what has been accomplished from the outputs, the expected impact on development and the actual capabilities available to implement the ambitious clusters plan.
As for the results of the study, based on the responses of the officials, it is difficult to know the impact of the strategy of the agricultural clusters plan before a period of 3-5 years passes, as studying the production of agricultural crops takes time. Additionally, the plan relies on a number of indicators to measure outputs, which can be calculated according to the matrix of the plan’s interventions. Moreover, the success of the plans depends on the partnership and integration with the Palestinian Government, the private sector, NGOs, and civil society, and the relationship with funders, especially the European Union. There is no doubt that there are challenges and risks caused by the Israeli occupation policies and settlers in order to impede development.
The most important recommendations of the study are that the development of the agricultural sector in Palestine is an urgent necessity in order to reach results that achieve the strategic goals of the clusters plans, namely the involvement of entrepreneurial youth, farmers, and investors in agricultural and rural businesses of feasibility and sustainability, the access to agricultural production techniques, varieties, and strains used by farmers and producers to improve them, the addition of new land areas cultivated with strategic, high-value crops and livestock farms with a return, and the easy and convenient access of farmers to their lands and water sources in all governorates, in addition to the encouragement of investment in the agricultural sector between the public and private sectors, and the need to secure external financing and external investments to pump money into this sector, specifically to support clusters development plans.

Author Biography

أ. رنا هاشم حاج ياسين Ms. Rana H. Haj Yassin, جامعة بيرزيت




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How to Cite

Ms. Rana H. Haj Yassin أ. ر. ه. ح. ي. (2021). The Palestinian Agriculture Clusters Strategy: Status and Prospects. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 6(15).