A conceptual framework proposed to measure and assess the performance of the Saudi charities for caring orphans using balanced scored card BSC


  • د. جعفر محمد هني


Balanced Scorecard, the social dimension, the moral dimension, strategic planning, Saudi Arabia charities for caring orphans


The study provided a model proposed for
measuring the strategic performance and evaluation
of the charities orphan care charities in Saudi
Arabia by using the Balanced Scorecard, consisted
of six key dimensions: the four basic dimensions are
(the financial dimension, the dimension of orphan
satisfaction, the dimension of internal processes
and the education and growth dimension) , and
two additional dimensions: the social and moral
dimensions have been added, with the aim of making
the balanced Scorecard suit with the nature of Saudi
charities for caring orphans.
This study reached several conclusions
including: the contribution of the proposed model
in strengthening the financial performance of the
charities of Saudi Arabia to take care of orphans
and improve the quality of its services, and this
model contributes to lever the performance ofthe
Saudi charities to win the Organizational Excellence
Awards for charitable work, such as: King Abdul
Aziz Award for charitable work and award- Subaie
charity, and contributes to obtain global ISO 9001-
2008 certificate.



How to Cite

هني د. ج. م. (2017). A conceptual framework proposed to measure and assess the performance of the Saudi charities for caring orphans using balanced scored card BSC. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 2(7). Retrieved from https://journals.qou.edu/index.php/eqtsadia/article/view/379