The Impact of Board Diversity Characteristics on the Financial Performance for the Banks Listed on the Palestine Exchange


  • Mohammad Ahmad Talalweh Al-Quds Open University
  • Ahmad Sharif Alkhatib Alisteqlal Bank



Board diversity characteristics, Palestinian banks, Financial performance


The study aimed to identify the Impact of board diversity characteristics on the financial performance for the banks listed on the Palestine exchange .The content analysis relied on the quantitative measurement , and the panel data was used as it collects cross-sectional data for a specific period of time (Time Series), and the statistical program (Eviews9) was used to analyze the data and test hypotheses of the study.

The results showed that the percentage of women's representation on the boards of directors in the Palestinian banks is very weak, if compared with the percentage of males. While the study found a significant effect of the characteristics of the board of directors of Palestinian banks on their financial performance measured by the return on assets index, in addition to that, the study found a positive moral effect of the diversity of the nationality of the board member in Palestinian banks on their financial performance.

The study concluded in the code and that there should be a percentage of representation of members within the field of management of the fields listed in the Palestine market, due to its positive impact on the financial performance.

Author Biographies

Mohammad Ahmad Talalweh , Al-Quds Open University

Assistant Professor

Ahmad Sharif Alkhatib, Alisteqlal Bank



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How to Cite

Talalweh , M. A., & Alkhatib, A. S. (2023). The Impact of Board Diversity Characteristics on the Financial Performance for the Banks Listed on the Palestine Exchange. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 8(19).