The Organizational Conflict and its Relationship to Job Satisfaction Among Employees of the Ministry of Youth


  • Mo’ath Mahmoud ALHrout Ministry of Youth



Organizational conflict, job satisfaction, directorates of youth


The study aimed at identifying the relationship between the organizational conflict with the job satisfaction, regarding the employees at the Youth departments in the Ministry of Youth at the governorate of the central province

The study is based on the descriptive analytical method. In order to deal with this aim, a questionnaire for gathering the ordered data was used, and a sample of 122 employees were selected from the population of the study that consisted of 408 employee. The sample was selected to represent the total population of the study in its features and descriptions when using the Intentional random sampling during 2022.

In addition, the statistical data analysis and answering the questions were used.

The study showed that the following results: The reason for the organizational conflict has some reverses upon the job satisfaction adversely at the youth departments in the central region. There was a moderate organizational conflict.

The main reason for the organizational conflict was the bias of the department when taking decisions, in addition to feeling oppression and discrimination when dealing with employees law was not applied equally.

Author Biography

Mo’ath Mahmoud ALHrout, Ministry of Youth



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How to Cite

ALHrout, M. M. (2023). The Organizational Conflict and its Relationship to Job Satisfaction Among Employees of the Ministry of Youth . Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 8(19).