The Relationship Between E-commerce and Consumer Buying Behavior of Fast-Moving Consumer Goods and Food Products in Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate: Content Marketing as an Intermediary Variable


  • Lubna Amen Bezrah Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie
  • Hiba Ali Odeh Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie
  • Sondos Zaki Ismaeel Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie
  • Iman Mohammad Khaseeb Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie
  • Asala Khaled Qandeel Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie


Electronic commerce, digital marketing, consumer purchasing behavior, content marketing


This study aimed to examine the impact of e-commerce on consumer behavior in large-scale consumer and food stores in Ramallah and al-Bireh governorate, with a special focus on the role of content marketing as an intermediary factor. To achieve this goal, the descriptive-analytical approach was used in this research.

The study sample included 281 participants (6% of the study community), and an electronic questionnaire was distributed to these participants. The data was analyzed using the statistical analysis programs SPSS 26 and Amos 26, and a simple linear regression coefficient test was applied to analyze the data and test hypotheses.

The results showed the great importance of e-commerce, consumer behavior, and content marketing in these stores, in particular, the study indicated a statistically significant positive impact of e-commerce on consumer purchasing behavior, and the impact of e-commerce on consumer behavior was enhanced by content marketing.

The study recommended following up the development of e-commerce sites in these stores by raising awareness of their importance and using content marketing as an effective tool to increase efficiency and effectiveness in achieving its goals.

Author Biographies

Lubna Amen Bezrah, Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie


Hiba Ali Odeh, Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie


Sondos Zaki Ismaeel, Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie


Iman Mohammad Khaseeb, Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie


Asala Khaled Qandeel , Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie



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How to Cite

Bezrah, L. A., Odeh, H. A., Ismaeel, S. Z., Khaseeb, I. M., & Qandeel , A. K. (2023). The Relationship Between E-commerce and Consumer Buying Behavior of Fast-Moving Consumer Goods and Food Products in Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate: Content Marketing as an Intermediary Variable. Al-Quds Open University for Administrative & Economic Research & Studies, 5(20). Retrieved from