The Role of Electronic Educational Supervision in Developing the Professional Performance of Primary School Teachers in the Directorate of Education of Qasaba Irbid District


  • Khaled Saleh Bani Younis Ministry of Education



Role, educational supervision, electronic educational supervision, professional performance, basic schools, basic stage teacher


Objectives: This study aimed to identify the role of electronic educational supervision in developing the professional performance of basic stage teachers in the Directorate of Education of Qasaba Irbid District.

Methodology: A descriptive survey method was used. A questionnaire was developed to collect data, consisting of 24 items, and then applied to a sample of 342 male and female teachers, selected by a simple random method.

Results: The results of the study showed that the basic stage teachers’ estimates of the impact of electronic supervision ranged between 3.36 - 3.72 with a moderate degree of agreement for the tool as a whole. The second domain was performance related to the academic subject, with a high degree and ranked first, followed by the third domain, performance related to training courses, followed by the first domain, performance related to teaching methods, and followed by the fourth domain, performance related to evaluation strategies, with a moderate degree for the three domains.

Conclusion: In light of the results, the study recommends providing training workshops on electronic methods and programs for educational supervisors to learn how to activate them in the supervisory process and professional development for teachers.

Author Biography

Khaled Saleh Bani Younis, Ministry of Education



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How to Cite

Bani Younis, K. S. (2024). The Role of Electronic Educational Supervision in Developing the Professional Performance of Primary School Teachers in the Directorate of Education of Qasaba Irbid District. Palestinian Journal for Open Learning & E-Learning, 1(19).