Translation in the computer age: practices, tools and competencies


  • د.نصير إدير


Translation, Computer Technology, Emerging Practices, Available Tools, Required Competencies, Practice and Teaching of Translation.


An extraordinary computer revolution reigns the world today, and influences widely all the domains of life. Translation is not an exception:  with being more and more integrated in the computer culture, it has experienced considerable changes both in terms of practices, tools and the translator’s skills and competencies. 

This paper aims to give an overview of the new developments in the translation field in an age of computer technology. It covers the emerging practices and the tools available for the translator. In this sense, the focus is on the role and limits of these tools during the various stages of the translation process. It searches the skills and competencies that the translator should get to accomplish his task in the best way. Since practice is absolutely the target of any training, this study is also concerned with exploring the new requirements of teaching translation within the current system, and training translators to meet the major requirements of the translation practice today.



How to Cite

إدير د. (2018). Translation in the computer age: practices, tools and competencies. Palestinian Journal for Open Learning & E-Learning, 6(12). Retrieved from