The Degree of Graduates’ Knowledge Regarding Electronic Information Resources, Their Use and Impediments Pertaining to Their Graduation Projects at Al-Quds Open University


  • مجدي "محمد رشيد" حناوي Dr. Majdi "Mohammad Rashid" Hinawi Al-Quds Open University, Palestine
  • أ. أسماء ناجح حسون Mrs. Asma’ Najeh Hasoon


Information Resources, ElectronicInformation Resources (E.I.R.), Electronic Library, Scientific Researchs, Graduation Project, Students in the Final Stages.


This study aimed at investigating the degree of students’ knowledge in the final stages (graduates) about the ElectronicInformation  Resources (E.I.R.) and the degree of its use in their scientific researchs (graduation projects) at al-Quds Open University.It also determins the correlation between their knowledge of E.I.R. and the degree of their use of it, in addition to exploring the problems that hinder their use.The study population consists of all students registered in the graduation project course in Nablus branch, comprising 588 students.A sample consisted of 159 students was chosen by a simple random way. The descriptive analytical approach was used, and data was collected by questionnaire. Results revealed that the degree of students’ knowledge about the E.I.R. was medium, and so their use of it was medium too. Results also revealed thatthere was a positive relation between their knowledge about E.I.R. and their use of it. Moreover, the results revealed that there were statistically significant differences in their knowledge degree due to the faculty variable, while there were no statistically significant differences due to attending E.I.R. workshops variable.The results also revealed that students claimthat the biggest problem to hinder their use of E.I.R. is their lack of knowledge of it. In light of these results, a number of suggestions and recommendations were offered that may raise the degree of students' knowledge and the use of E.I.R.

Author Biographies

مجدي "محمد رشيد" حناوي Dr. Majdi "Mohammad Rashid" Hinawi, Al-Quds Open University, Palestine

أ. أسماء ناجح حسون Mrs. Asma’ Najeh Hasoon

بكالورويس علوم تربوية

تخصص مرحلة أساسية أولى


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How to Cite

حناوي Dr. Majdi "Mohammad Rashid" Hinawi م. "محمد ر., & حسون Mrs. Asma’ Najeh Hasoon أ. أ. ن. (2020). The Degree of Graduates’ Knowledge Regarding Electronic Information Resources, Their Use and Impediments Pertaining to Their Graduation Projects at Al-Quds Open University. Palestinian Journal for Open Learning & E-Learning, 8(14). Retrieved from