The Standards of Measuring the Quality of Video Streaming technology used in University Open Education.


  • د . محمد عبد الفتاح شاهين
  • د. عادل عطية ريان


Quality, video streaming technology, university education, open distance learning


The present study aimed to build a tool to measure the quality of video

streaming technology used in university open education .It also aimed to

establish the validity and reliability of the tool by using standardization

procedures followed in such studies.

To achieve the objectives of the study, a tool was built to be in its final

form of (47) items .These items were distributed on four domains: planning

for the video session, the design of educational material and its technical

reproduction, the style of presentation, and the role of assistant. The tool was

designed by referring to the theoretical framework and previous studies.

To ensure the psychometric properties of the scale of the study, it was

distributed to a sample consisted of (102) male and female supervisors who

supervise courses delivered by using such technology at Al-Quds Open

University during the second semester of the academic year 2009/2010.

Results of the responses of the sample members on the scale items showed

that the arithmetic mean of the responses on the scale as a whole reached

(4.27), which represents a degree of very great importance. The domain of

planning for the video session was first in order (4.49), followed by the style of

presentation (4.29), then the design of educational material and its technical

reproduction (4.22), and in the last place came the role of assistants (4.19).

To make sure of the validity of the scale, correlation coefficients between

the items of the scale with a total score and with the domain that it belongs

to as well as the correlation matrix between the domains were computed .All

the correlation coefficients were statistically significant at the significance

level (α ≤ 0.01). The reliability of the scale was realized by using the methods

of internal consistency and split half, and reliability coefficients were

appropriate, indicating the validity of the scale and its suitability for use. In

the light of this, researchers recommended the need to take advantage of scale

and employ it in refining the video streaming technology in the field of open




How to Cite

شاهين د. . م. ع. ا., & ريان د. ع. ع. (2017). The Standards of Measuring the Quality of Video Streaming technology used in University Open Education. Palestinian Journal for Open Learning & E-Learning, 3(6). Retrieved from