The Attitudes of Al- Quds Open University Students towards E- assignments and their Relationship with the Skills of Self- organized Learning


  • د. محمد عبد الفتاح شاهين
  • د. عادل عطية ريان


Al- Quds Open University, e- assignments, students’ attitudes, self -learning.


The present study aimed to identify the attitudes of Al- Quds Open

University students towards e- assignments and their relationship with the

skills of self- organized learning in the light of some variables. To achieve these

objectives , the tools of the study have been implemented, after establishing

their validity and reliability , on a stratified sample of (353) students from

Al- Quds Open University in the Hebron Educational Region enrolled in the

e- learning courses during the second semester of the academic year 2010/


The results showed that the attitude of Al- Quds Open University students

towards e- assignments in general were positive. Results also showed the

existence of statistically significant differences at (α ≤ 0. 05) in students’

attitudes towards e- assignments that could be attributed to these variables:

the level of the school year, the presence of home- Internet subscription, and

the level of computer skills. There were no significant statistical differences

depending on these variables: gender, program and occupation. Results

revealed a negative significant statistical relationship between students

‘attitudes towards e- assignments and the accumulative average, and a

positive significant statistical relationship between students’ attitudes and the

recruitment of the skills of self- organized learning



How to Cite

شاهين د. م. ع. ا., & ريان د. ع. ع. (2017). The Attitudes of Al- Quds Open University Students towards E- assignments and their Relationship with the Skills of Self- organized Learning. Palestinian Journal for Open Learning & E-Learning, 4(7). Retrieved from