The Degree of Readiness of Science Teachers in the Jordanian Public Schools in the Capital Amman for Distance Education in Light of the Corona Pandemic from Their Point of View


  • فواز حسن شحادة | Fawaz Hassan Shehadeh Middle East University
  • ندى عودة مصلح | Nada Odeh Musleh Ministry of Education



Degree of readiness, distance learning, science teachers, Corona pandemic.


The study aimed to identify the degree of readiness of science teachers in the Jordanian public schools in the capital Amman for distance education in light of the Corona pandemic from their point of view. The study sample consisted of 183 male and female teachers. The study adopted the descriptive survey approach. For data collection, a questionnaire was developed to measure the degree of readiness of science teachers in schools in the form of a scale of 46 items distributed into 3 fields. In addition, its validity and reliability were confirmed. The results showed that the responses of the study sample were statistically significant with a medium degree in the field of electronic content design. Moreover, the results showed a high degree of statistical significance in the field of obstacles facing teachers in the field of distance education, and a low degree of a statistical significance in the field of support provided by the Ministry to teachers. The results also showed that there was no difference in the estimates of the study sample due to gender or academic qualification. However, they showed statistically significant differences in the degree of readiness attributed to the years of experience variable in favor of teachers with over 10 years of experience. The study suggested several recommendations: the most important one was the need to ensure direct communication between science teachers and their students during the distance education process. In addition, the Ministry should focus more on providing teachers with technical support and developing the platform so that the method of presenting the scientific material is attractive to students.


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How to Cite

Fawaz Hassan Shehadeh ف. ح. ش. |, & Nada Odeh Musleh ن. ع. م. |. (2022). The Degree of Readiness of Science Teachers in the Jordanian Public Schools in the Capital Amman for Distance Education in Light of the Corona Pandemic from Their Point of View. Palestinian Journal for Open Learning & E-Learning, 1(16).