The Degree of Availability of Digital Competencies Among Science Teachers in the Qweismeh District in Light of the Corona Pandemic from Their Point of View


  • فواز حسن شحادة | Fawaz Hassan Shehadeh Middle East University
  • ديانا سالم العواودة | Diana Salem Al-Awawdeh Ministry of Education



Availability, digital competencies, science teachers, Corona pandemic.


The current study aimed to identify the degree of availability of digital competencies among science teachers in the Qweismeh district in light of the Corona pandemic from their point of view. The study adopted the descriptive survey approach. For data collection, the researchers developed a questionnaire to measure the digital competencies among science teachers consisting of three fields. It was in the form of a scale consisting of 49 items. Its validity and reliability were confirmed. The sample consisted of 136 male and female teachers. The results of the study showed that the degree of availability of digital competencies among science teachers in the Qweismeh district in light of the Corona pandemic was moderate. Moreoever, the results indicated no statistically significant differences in the total score attributable to the variables: gender, years of service, and interaction between them. The study proposed several recommendations and the most important is educating teachers about the importance of having digital competencies.


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How to Cite

Fawaz Hassan Shehadeh ف. ح. ش. |, & Diana Salem Al-Awawdeh د. س. ا. |. (2022). The Degree of Availability of Digital Competencies Among Science Teachers in the Qweismeh District in Light of the Corona Pandemic from Their Point of View. Palestinian Journal for Open Learning & E-Learning, 1(16).