The Degree of Employing Smartphone Applications in Managing the Educational Process in Jordanian Schools


  • نور محمد الطباخي | Nour Mohammad Tbakhi Ministry of Education
  • عثمان ناصر منصور | Othman Naser Mansour Middle East University



Smartphone applications, educational administration, school principals in Jordan.


The study aimed to identify the degree of employing smartphone applications in managing the educational process in Jordanian schools. The sample consisted of 366 male and female teachers chosen randomly. The study adopted the descriptive survey approach, and a questionnaire was developed for this purpose after verifying its validity and reliability. For data analysis, appropriate statistical methods were applied. The study results showed that the degree of employing smartphone applications in managing the educational process was medium. Moreover, there were no statistically significant differences between the average responses of the study sample members due to the gender variable. In addition, the presence of statistically significant differences was due to the academic specialization variable in favor of the humanitarian specialization. There were also statistically significant differences due to the supervisory authority variable in favor of the private sector. Finally, the study recommended raising the competencies of school principals regarding the mechanisms of making use of smartphones and their applications in managing the educational process in their schools.


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How to Cite

Nour Mohammad Tbakhi ن. م. ا. |, & Othman Naser Mansour ع. ن. م. |. (2022). The Degree of Employing Smartphone Applications in Managing the Educational Process in Jordanian Schools. Palestinian Journal for Open Learning & E-Learning, 1(16).