The Attitudes of the Master’s Students of Social Work Towards e - learning in Light of the Corona Pandemic from the Point of View of the Students at al - Quds Open University and the Islamic University as a Model


  • أحمد محمد الرنتيسي | Ahmed Mohammed Al-Rantisi The Islamic University of Gaza



Attitudes, social work e - learning, Corona Pandemic.


The study aimed to identify the attitudes of the MA students of social work towards e - learning in light of the Corona pandemic. The study used the social survey method in a random sampling method. The study was applied to 74 MA students of social work at the Islamic University of Gaza and al - Quds Open University. The researcher used the scale as a tool for the study, as it included three dimensions: The first dimension is the cognitive attitudes, the second dimension is the emotional attitudes, and the third dimension is the behavioral attitudes. The data was entered and analyzed by the SPSS statistical program version 26. The study results concluded that there is a high and medium trend for master students of Social Work towards e - learning under the Corona pandemic. The study did not find statistically significant differences at the level a≤0.05 in the attitudes of the master students of social work towards e - learning in light of the Corona pandemic due to the gender variable. In contrast, the study found statistically significant differences at the level a≤0.05 in the attitudes of the master students of social work towards electronic education in the light of the Corona pandemic due to the age variable in favor of those aged 26 - 30. The university variable was attributed to the benefit of al - Quds Open University students, and the housing area variable for the benefit of students from the West Bank.

Author Biography

أحمد محمد الرنتيسي | Ahmed Mohammed Al-Rantisi, The Islamic University of Gaza

السيرة الذاتية مقتضبة الاســـم: أحمد محمد محمد الرنتيسي. تاريخ ومكان الميلاد: 19/3/1983م – غزة – فلسطين. مكان العمل/ قسم الخدمة الاجتماعية-كلية الآداب-الجامعة الإسلامية بغزة الدرجة العلمية/ أستاذ الخدمة الاجتماعية المشارك التخصص الدقيق/ مجالات الخدمة الاجتماعية جوال/ 059880166. هاتف العمل: 2644400 / هاتف داخلي/ 2360 البريد الالكتروني: [email protected]


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How to Cite

Ahmed Mohammed Al-Rantisi أ. م. ا. |. (2022). The Attitudes of the Master’s Students of Social Work Towards e - learning in Light of the Corona Pandemic from the Point of View of the Students at al - Quds Open University and the Islamic University as a Model. Palestinian Journal for Open Learning & E-Learning, 1(16).