Al - Quds Open University Contributions to e - Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic


  • اسلام يونس عمرو | Islam Younes Amro Al-Quds Open University



E - Learning, Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, al - Quds Open University.


This research highlights the main factors that contributed to the success of e - Learning at al - Quds Open University and identifies the University’s contributions to e - learning during the COVID-19 pandemic entailing three main areas: academic, administrative and supervisory, and technical. Our research methodology relied on a qualitative approach based on content analysis of literature, official documents, and reports of the University’s experiment in e - Learning during the pandemic; it also relied on semi - structured interviews with the academic staff, administrators, and technicians at the University. The research concluded that the University’s e - learning system was successful and distinctive in responding to the crisis by developing an academic, administrative and supervisory, and technical emergency strategic plan. The research results showed that the University has the technological infrastructure and the qualified academic, technical, and administrative staff that enabled it to respond swiftly to the crises and enabled both students and University staff to complete the tasks assigned to them systematically and professionally. The research concluded with several recommendations and suggestions, the most important of which was developing a strategic plan that would consider the technological developments and the operational requirements during both normal and exceptional circumstances to enable educational institutions to play their part in all circumstances.

Author Biography

اسلام يونس عمرو | Islam Younes Amro, Al-Quds Open University


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How to Cite

Islam Younes Amro ا. ي. ع. |. (2022). Al - Quds Open University Contributions to e - Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Palestinian Journal for Open Learning & E-Learning, 1(16).