The Degree of Distance e-Learning›s Availability Requirements in the Schools Affiliated to the Palestinian Ministry of Education During COVID-19 Pandemic as Perceived by Teachers


  • Abdelrahman Mohammad Sadeq Abu Sarah Al-Quds Open University
  • Husam Tewfeeq Mohammed Herzallah Al-Quds Open University



Distance e-learning, Palestinian Ministry of Education schools, COVID-19 pandemic


This research aims to investigate the degree of distance e-Learning's availability requirements in the schools affiliated to the Palestinian Ministry of Education during COVID-19 pandemic as perceived by teachers. The study examines the impact of the variables via gender, years of experience, educational level, and academic qualification on the availability of distance e-learning requirements in Palestine. In order to achieve the goals of the study, a questionnaire was designed including 39 items and distributed on five basic fields: teacher requirements, learner requirements, curriculum requirements, materialistic requirements, administrative and technical requirements. The researcher used the descriptive approach, and  the sample consisted of 507 male and female teachers working in schools affiliated to the Palestinian Ministry of Education, randomly selected. The research results showed that the availability degree of distance e-Learning requirements was weak in general, whereas the arithmetic average was 2.438. Regarding the basic fields, distance e-learning requirements related to teachers came in the first place with an arithmetic average of 2.957, followed by distance learning requirements related to the curriculum with an arithmetic average of 2.367. Whereas the requirements related to learners came with an arithmetic average of 2.327, followed by the materialistic requirements with and arithmetic average of 2.286, followed by the administrative and technical requirements with an arithmetic average of  2.253. The research results also showed a statistically significant difference in distance e-learning requirements during Covid-19 pandemic, attributed to the variables of educational level and academic qualification, while there was no statistically significant difference according to gender and years of experience.

Author Biographies

Abdelrahman Mohammad Sadeq Abu Sarah, Al-Quds Open University

Assistant Professor/Al-Quds Open University/ Palestine

Husam Tewfeeq Mohammed Herzallah, Al-Quds Open University

Associate Professor/Al-Quds Open University/ Palestine


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How to Cite

Abu Sarah, A. M. S., & Herzallah, H. T. M. (2023). The Degree of Distance e-Learning›s Availability Requirements in the Schools Affiliated to the Palestinian Ministry of Education During COVID-19 Pandemic as Perceived by Teachers. Palestinian Journal for Open Learning & E-Learning, 1(17).



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