The Effectiveness of an Electronic Platform Based on Cloud Computing to Reduce the Learning Loss of Programming Skills and Develop the Vigilance Among the Girl Students at UNRWA Preparatory School Stage


  • Esmail Omar Hassounah AL-Aqsa University
  • Lamiaa M.S. ELMashwakhe
  • Lamiaa M.S ELMashwakhe UNRWA


Electronic learning platform, cloud computing, Google classroom, virtual classroom, learning loss, programming skills, vigilance to programming skills


 The current research aims to reveal the effectiveness of an electronic platform based on cloud computing to reduce educational loss in programming skills and develop their vigilance among middle school students in UNRWA schools. The researchers followed  quasi-experimental approach, and used the following research tools: (1) knowledge test for programming skills, (2) programming Skills Observation List, (3) vigilance scale of programming skills, (4) product list of programming skills (software applications) and after interacting with the e-learning platform, an intentional sample of 42 female students who have the skills incomputer, internet connection and wish to participate in the research experiment .The search results revealed the electronic platform based on cloud computing, which the researchers prepared to reduce learning loss in programming skills and develop vigilance for middle school students in UNRWA schools, was effective and had a very large impact. The electronic platform based on cloud computing achieved a level higher than the default level of vigilance  reaching 85%   of programming skills among middle school students in UNRWA schools after applying the electronic platform based on cloud computing, where the average degree of vigilance scale of programming skills reached 91.22%, which is very high level.

Author Biographies

Esmail Omar Hassounah, AL-Aqsa University

Associate Professor

Lamiaa M.S. ELMashwakhe

Researcher/UNRWA- Gaza Strip/ Palestine

Lamiaa M.S ELMashwakhe, UNRWA



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How to Cite

Hassounah, E. O., ELMashwakhe, L. M., & ELMashwakhe, L. M. (2023). The Effectiveness of an Electronic Platform Based on Cloud Computing to Reduce the Learning Loss of Programming Skills and Develop the Vigilance Among the Girl Students at UNRWA Preparatory School Stage . Palestinian Journal for Open Learning & E-Learning, 1(17). Retrieved from



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