The Impact of E-Content Adaptation Patterns on Developing the Achievement and Interactive Book Production Skills among Faculty of Education Students
E-Content, Adaptive Learning, Adaptive Hypermedia Systems, Interactive BooksAbstract
Objectives: This study aimed toto investigate the impact of e-content adaptation patterns on the development of achievement and interactive book production skills for students in the Faculty of Education.
Methods: The study followed the descriptive and experimental approach. Participants included n=100 students at the Faculty of Education. They were divided into two experimental groups. The first group n=50 studied the adaptive content according to the frame technique. The second group n=50 studied the adaptive content according to the multimedia technique.
Results: The results showed a statistically significant difference between the means scores of the groups in the achievement test and product evaluation card in favor of the second group who focused the adaptive content with multimedia.
Conclusions: Accordingly, the researchers concluded that the most appropriate pattern of e-content adaptation is based on multimedia technique.
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