The Attitudes of Directors and Teachers in the Jordanian Public Schools Towards the Use of Smartphone Applications in Distance Learning Post the COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Firas Ibrahem Mohammad Al-Jarrah Jordanian Ministry of Education



Attitudes, Smartphone, COVID-19


Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the attitudes of managers and teachers in Jordanian government schools towards the use of smartphone applications in remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Methods: The study included a sample of 125 teachers and administrators from Jordanian government schools under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education in the Northern Ma'zar Governorate. They were selected using a simple random sampling method, and a descriptive approach was employed along with a questionnaire as the data collection tool.

Results: The study found that the attitudes of managers and teachers in Jordanian government schools towards the use of smartphone applications in remote learning after the COVID-19 pandemic were of moderate degree, with an average score of 3.36 and a percentage of 67.2%. Additionally, the study identified statistically significant differences in the perceptions of the study sample members regarding the attitudes of managers and teachers in Jordanian government schools towards the use of smartphone applications in remote learning after the COVID-19 pandemic, attributed to gender and job nature. These differences favored females and teachers.

Recommendations: Based on the study's results, a set of recommendations were presented, including the continuation of the use of smartphone applications in remote education to ensure educational continuity and enhance engagement. It also suggested incorporating remote learning into students' courses to maximize its benefits and maintain the educational process.


Author Biography

Firas Ibrahem Mohammad Al-Jarrah, Jordanian Ministry of Education

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Al-Jarrah, F. I. M. (2024). The Attitudes of Directors and Teachers in the Jordanian Public Schools Towards the Use of Smartphone Applications in Distance Learning Post the COVID-19 Pandemic. Palestinian Journal for Open Learning & E-Learning, 1(18).



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