The Degree of Satisfaction of Teachers, Students and Parents about e-Learning in Ajloun


  • Ibrahim Ali Mohammad Almomani Jordanian Ministry of Education



satisfaction, teachers, students, parents, distance learning


Objectives: the study aimed to identify the degree of satisfaction of teachers, students and parents with distance learning in Ajloun governorate.

Method: the study was based on the descriptive approach.

Results: the results of the study showed that the degree of satisfaction with distance learning came with a low degree, with an arithmetic mean(2.08), with a standard deviation (0.77), the degree of continuity of distance learning came with a low degree, with an arithmetic mean (1.82), with a standard deviation (0.88), the results also showed that there are statistically significant differences in the degree of satisfaction of teachers, students and parents with distance learning age and for the benefit of less than 18 years.

Conclusion: the study recommended the need to hold courses and workshops for teachers, students and parents; in order to develop distance learning and to provide them with insight into the importance of this system, how to use the platform, and the mechanism of dealing with it.

Author Biography

Ibrahim Ali Mohammad Almomani, Jordanian Ministry of Education

Assistant school principal


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How to Cite

Almomani, I. A. M. (2024). The Degree of Satisfaction of Teachers, Students and Parents about e-Learning in Ajloun. Palestinian Journal for Open Learning & E-Learning, 1(18).



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