‎‎ Familiarity of School Principals in the Bani Ubaid District Education Directorate with Social Capital Practices From the Teachers’ Point of View


  • Sawsan Mohammad Omar Ahmed Ababna Jordanian, Ministry of Education




Social capital practices, school principals, Bani Ubaid Distric


Objectives: The study aimed to identify the familiarity of school principals in the Directorate of Education of Bani Ubaid District with social capital practices from the teachers’ point of view.

Methods: The descriptive approach was used, and the questionnaire was a tool for collecting data.  It was applied on a sample of 381 male and female teachers.  

Results: The results showed that school principals’ familiarity with social capital practices in the Directorate of Education of the Bani Ubaid District, from the point of view of teachers as a whole, came within an average degree, with the fields being ranked according to the following: organizational flexibility and organizational climate in first place, followed by the field of communication and cooperation in third place.  Finally, the field of cultural climate ranked fourth.  The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the extent of school principals’ familiarity with social capital practices due to the gender and years of experience variables, and there were statistically significant differences due to the academic qualification variable, and it came in favor of holders of postgraduate degrees

Conclusions: The study recommends directing school principals to invest in human capital within their schools in the areas of organizational flexibility, organizational climate, communication and cooperation, cultural climate, considering its impact on creating a suitable educational environment for workers and students.

Author Biography

Sawsan Mohammad Omar Ahmed Ababna, Jordanian, Ministry of Education



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How to Cite

Ababna, S. M. O. A. (2024). ‎‎ Familiarity of School Principals in the Bani Ubaid District Education Directorate with Social Capital Practices From the Teachers’ Point of View. Palestinian Journal for Open Learning & E-Learning, 1(18). https://doi.org/10.33977/0280-012-018-003



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