Inclusion of the Concept of the Right of Return in the Middle School’s National Education Curriculum in Palestine


  • د. نعمان عمرو


Inclusion of the Concept, the Right of Return, Middle School, National Education Curriculum, Palestine,


This Study aimed to identify the degree of inclusion of the National

Education curricula in Palestine for the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth

grades (higher basic stage) of the concept of the right of return, and check

if there were differences in the degree of inclusion of the concept ( right and

return) according to the variable of grade to achieve this goal, descriptive

methodology using content analysis was employed. Results showed that the

number of times that the concept of the right of return appeared in the books

of national education for all grades was (28) times. The concept occurred

most in the book of the eighth grade exactly (11 times) which is equal to

(39%) of the total, and then the book of the ninth grade (10 times) about

(36%) of the total, in the third place, the book of the National Education for

the tenth grade (7 times) about (25%) of the total, and finally the book of the

National Education of the Seventh Grade whose content missed any reference

to the concept of the right of return.

In light of the results of the study, the researcher recommends the


1. The need to pay attention to the cognitive focus for the concept of the

right of return in the new Palestinian curriculum.

2. Paying attention to sequence in presenting the concept taking into account

the age group and gradually.

3. Linking the concept of the right of return to concepts relating to human

rights and UN resolutions to indicate the clarity of vision for the upbringing

of future generations and make them better understand the concept and

historical development\



How to Cite

عمرو د. ن. (2017). Inclusion of the Concept of the Right of Return in the Middle School’s National Education Curriculum in Palestine. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 1(24). Retrieved from

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