Analysis of Neighborhoods' Establishment Ramallah and Amman Cities: A Comparative Geographical Study


  • Arij Zaied Dagarah Al-Istiqlal University



Neighborhoods, Ramallah, Amman, socio-economic


The study aimed to analyze the old foundations that determined the emergence of neighborhoods in Ramallah and Amman cities, and the new factors that replaced them. The problem of the study lies in the variances in opinions and scientific trends that discussed the bases of neighborhoods evolution, and transformations that occurred in these neighborhoods. The study used a historical-evolutionary and descriptive methods, and comparative study method. The study concluded that the end of the seventies and the beginning of the eighties of the twentieth century is a turning point in the history Amman city, while the establishment of the Palestinian Authority after the Oslo Accords in 1993 is the turning point in Ramallah city, where new neighborhoods began to form in the two cities based on the distinction of their residents at a similar socio-economic level. Regardless of the ethnicity and common origins of the population or the country of origin of migration that determined the origin of neighborhoods in the past. The author indicated that the new foundations of the housing decision worked to abolish the old foundations.

Author Biography

Arij Zaied Dagarah, Al-Istiqlal University

Assistant Professor


المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

Dagarah, A. Z. (2022). Analysis of Neighborhoods’ Establishment Ramallah and Amman Cities: A Comparative Geographical Study. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 4(61).

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